АО «ОКТОПУС» Контакты:
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Телефон:+7 (8512) 484-444, Факс:+7 (8512) 484-444, Электронная почта: office_astra@octopusgaz.ru
Rusia, Astrakhan
Prospect Gub. A. Guzhvin, 10 "A"

+7 (8512) 484-444

De lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 17:00

Octomaks & Octopus management meets Indian ONGC counterparts in Skolkovo

On March 19, a meeting of Octopus& Octomaks management, employees and partners with 5 representatives of the largest Indian oil&gas state run company ONGC took place in the Skolkovo conference-room. The guests got acquainted with advantages of geophysical survey methods employed by Octopus & Octomaks. Presentation highlighted issues of surface monitoring of Hydraulic fracturing, hydro sounding, specialized processing of seismic data by method of common scattering point dip (CSPD) aimed at fracture zones and tectonic fault detection. These people are true pasionaries and they are drivers for our technologies in India. They are very proud that our pilot project in India were a success. By the way, it’s important for their career as well”-said GD of Octopus , Dmitry Ponomarenko. Partner of Octopus JSC, CEO of Octomaks, Dr. Bhupathi Raju made a point about “vivid dialog and discussion” that reigned during this meeting. “ This is a sign of their interest, genuine desire to get a full impression about companies Octomaks and Octopus, and technologies. It’s great they’ve come. Everything that we have shown today invoked some keen interest. Now they are analyzing the information received about technologies to get insights about how it all can be applied in India. “This isn’t a first meeting with our Customer. They came to see what we have already prepared to build on performed surveys in India.-said Dr. Bhupathi Raju. After the meeting, guests had a walk tour on Skolkovo Technopark, visited laboratories, got acquainted with the work of Skolkovo foundation. On March 20th, communication with Indian colleagues continued in Saint-Petersburg.

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